Choices, are the building blocks of our reality. They shape our attitudes, values, beliefs, and even our very identity. Shall we embark on a journey of conscious decision-making? Let us explore the fundamental choices that hold the power to transform our lives.
Firstly, let us talk about attitude. Today, you have the power to choose your outlook. Will you embrace positivity, determination, or enthusiasm? Set your intentions and embark on your day with a chosen attitude, for it will colour your expectations, reactions, and ultimately, your results. And fear not, if your chosen attitude wavers, simply bring it back to what you desire. Mastering the skill of attitude management can truly be transformative.
Now, let us delve into values. What truly matters to you? Family, friends, work, or play? Kindness, assertiveness, or making a difference in the world? Amidst the plethora of options, it is essential to discern the values that hold the utmost importance to you. Clarifying your values will provide direction and focus to your life’s journey.
And beliefs, the powerful lenses through which we perceive the world. Remember, you possess the ability to choose your beliefs. They serve as guides, shaping your judgments and responses to the world around you. If you believe the world is against you, you will perceive everyone as a threat. The key lies in consciously selecting beliefs that support and propel you towards your goals. Make that choice, embrace it, and witness its influence unfold.
Now, let me share a somewhat controversial notion—identity. Yes, you can choose your identity. We often do so unconsciously, but why not do it deliberately? Challenge the labels that bind you and step into the person you aspire to be. Just as I shed my introverted identity and embraced a vibrant and outgoing persona, you too can shape your identity by acting as if you are already that person.
Believe me, these choices are not arduous. This is my chosen belief, and I consciously made it my reality. You have the power to do the same. You may choose to cling to the belief that such choices are difficult, or you can opt for a different path. Today, the choice is solely yours.
So, tell me, what choices will you make today? Choose with wisdom, for they hold the potential to shape your reality.
Extraordinary Influence No.5: Make Conscious Choices. These seventeen principles, among others, shape Colin Gautrey’s provocative coaching and mentoring practice.
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