To stimulate your thinking about power, and what personal power you and others have, I like to use these words which are all related to how people influence. Some you will like, others you will hate. It is less about your personal taste and more about the effect these examples of power have on people, which you need to take notice of.
Naturally, as you do the various exercises, you would be well advised to focus on building positive power because the use of negative power can have long-lasting and damaging effects on your career — and your health!
Adaptability Advancement Ambition Analytical Appearance Approachability Assertiveness Association Attractiveness Authority Awareness Belief Brand Budget Calmness Challenge Change Charisma Charm Coalitions Collaboration Commitment Common Sense Communication Competence Confidence Connections Contacts Conviction Courage Credibility Delivery Determination |
Diplomacy Drive Dynamism Eloquence Empathy Energy Experience Expertise Favours Friends Governance Grade Gravitas Honesty Image Impact Information Intellect Intelligence Knowledge Listening Maturity Money Motivation Networking Networks Optimism Passion People Permissions Personable Personality Position |
Presence Presentation Professionalism Promotion Qualifications Questioning Rank Rapport Regulatory Relationships Reputation Resources Responsibility Rewards Role Self-Belief Self-Confidence Self-Esteem Seniority Skills Sociability Specialist Status Success Tact Team Technique Tenacity Title Trust Veto Voice Youthfulness |
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