Lives worth living are busy and chaotic. Opportunity, challenge and problems fill every day.
No pain, no gain. Work hard, play hard. Maxims for the Type A’s and the ambitious, striving to hit that seam of gold.
If you want to play to win, you have to get smart, learn how to stack the odds in your favour.
This means you have to be alert to opportunities to utilise your resources more effectively, prioritising where to invest your energy, and emotion.
And here is one key habit to acquire, that will make a HUGE difference.
When bad things happen, apply calm logic. When good things happen, apply positive emotions.
When you condition your responses in this way, and make it a habit, you will minimise disruption from inconvenient events, and maximise the opportunities presented by convenient events.
Thus, you apply emotions to the positive, and logic to the negative.
Once formed, this habit will protect you when bad stuff happens and you’ll knuckle down to problem-solving. When the good things happen, your emotions will be contagious, and even better things will result.
Try it. Practise it. Perfect it.
Then you’ll become unphased yet exuberant – appropriately.
Easier said than done?
Sure, that’s why mastery carries such rewards. And this is also why the inaugural Let’s Talk will focus on emotional distractions in relationships. Time to end the frustrations, anger and disappointment caused by others!
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