Simple ideas, well executed.
If you’ve got a good relationship with a senior level stakeholder, take the opportunity to thank them for that fact at the beginning of your next meeting. It will remind them that yes, it is a good relationship, and yes, that they also like working with you. Bringing this to the fore, ahead of the main topic for the meeting, will likely change the tone of the whole meeting.
This popped into my inbox today…
Hi Colin,
Hope you are well?
I just wanted to thank you again for your support. I just had my one-to-one with the CEO today and I used what you suggested (i.e. starting with thanking him and saying how excited I am about what the future holds for us). It worked like a treat!
Just like the example you gave me, his face brightened up, and the whole trajectory of the rest of the meeting was very positive. I doubt if that would have been the case if I hadn’t started with that!
Kind Regards,
No guarantees, but loading the dice in your favour in this way has little risk involved.
And, another tip, for another day, settle within your mind that you are working in partnership with the stakeholders, be they above or below you in the hierarchy.
Have fun, boosting your relationships!
The Gautrey Influence Blog
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