This series of articles has focused on helping you to become more influential. Since this is the penultimate article, this is an important question to ask.
My hope is that as you have been reading and digesting each article., and, as you have been thinking you will have been identifying different things which you can do to be more influential. If you have followed through and taken those actions, you will have learned something about influence. Hopefully, you will have been more influential. If not, you may have learned something else which will help you next time. Becoming more influential is about continually learning from experience and adjusting the way you act as you seek to influence.
Many of the people I speak to who are making progress with their influence begin to notice that they:
- Have a greater sense of self-determination.
- Find more freedom to make their own decisions.
- Are growing in self-confidence.
- Take more control over what is happening around them.
- Begin to stretch their ambition as they realise what is possible.
- Are more relaxed in work, and life is becoming more enjoyable.
- Can get more things done.
Overall, how are you doing on your journey to be more influential?
Hopefully, you are moving forward in your ability to influence the things in your life, Learning to become more influential never ends. It always requires a pause for reflection, consideration of new options, and decisions to do something different going forward.
The Gautrey Influence Blog
Ever felt overlooked, unheard, or stuck in office politics? You’re not alone. The Gautrey Influence Blog breaks down the real-world strategies behind leadership, influence, and power—giving you the tools to be heard, respected, and successful. Join 35,000+ professionals getting ahead the smart way—subscribe now.
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Pause now and reflect on your learning since beginning this series:
- What have been the most significant points?
- Which ideas covered have been most challenging? Why?
- How does the material covered here relate to your position and the work you do?
- What have you done differently as a result of your learning?
- What has worked well for you?
- What hasn’t worked so well?
- Who can you learn from or use as a role model?
- What changes could you make to the way you influence?
- What changes will you make?
- How can you make sure you embed these changes?
- How will you know you are succeeding, how can you measure your progress?
Becoming more influential also requires persistence and motivation. The list at the beginning of this article mentioned the sort of things people notice as their influence grows. Spend a few moments thinking about all the benefits that you will gain when you are able to give yourself a maximum score on each of them. In fact, stop long enough to write them down so you can refer back to them when you need to.
The Gautrey Influence Blog
Ever felt overlooked, unheard, or stuck in office politics? You’re not alone. The Gautrey Influence Blog breaks down the real-world strategies behind leadership, influence, and power—giving you the tools to be heard, respected, and successful. Join 35,000+ professionals getting ahead the smart way—subscribe now..
💡 Benchmark your Influence: Take the Master of Influence Assessment (Free for Subscribers!)
👉 [Subscribe & Take the Assessment]