"Proactively seek out, engage, and influence your stakeholders." |
Stakeholders are important people who share an interest in your success. You need to engage with them at the right time so that you can influence them as easily as possible. Stakeholder influence doesn't just happen; you have to make it happen.
By engaging with your stakeholders early, you stand a much better chance of being able to help them to understand what you want to achieve. Critically, you need to develop a clear appreciation for their stance in order that you can pitch your goals in the most favourable light.
You can find stakeholders in many places. By thinking Read More
New Job? Quickly Learn How to Be Influential
Fantastic, you've got a new job! Now, quick as you can, you need to establish your influence. Unless you can be influential from the start, there is a risk you may have to recover and gradually build it later. The best time to make a great impression is right now as you start moving in the new job. Influential people don't just arrive ― they make it happen.
When I am coaching someone in this position, these are the typical areas I will challenge them on...
1. Who are the powerful individuals around your new job?
This can be focused Read MoreHow to Influence People You Don’t Like
Nobody says that you have to like everyone. That is as unrealistic as saying you can always influence others. You can't.
But if you want to influence people, it helps enormously if they like you. People tend to like people who like them. This creates an immediate challenge if you want to influence people you don't like.
There are few people fortunate enough to only work with people they like, so here are a few ideas on how to improve your success when trying to influence characters you find odious.
Friends and Friendliness
There is a big difference Read MoreDecoding and Resolving Personality Conflicts
When we were doing the original research which led to the creation of the Influence Profile back in 2005, I don't think we realised just how powerful it was going to be in helping people to understand personality conflicts. Not only does it explain why personality clashes occur, it also provides a practical way of exploring how you can avoid conflict altogether.
The curious thing is that it is not the difference in personality which causes the problem. Personality clashes are unlikely to occur if…
- You understand the personality difference.
- You accept their right to be different.
- You can find a way to work with the difference.
Do Influential Leaders Need to Be Visionary?
No, I don't believe they do, but it definitely helps.
Leadership books nearly all tell you that successful leaders are those with vision. They cite it as critical to being influential. Their argument is convincing. They say that you need to be visionary because…
- You need to be able to create a compelling future.
- Vision motivates people to go that extra mile.
- Organisations need to innovate in order to compete and survive.
- Shareholders and stakeholders require it.
- Followers expect it in their leaders.
How to Be a Leader: Vital First Steps
Hey, congratulations, you’ve made it. Now you are a leader, how does it feel? Exciting, a little daunting? Maybe you have been around a little while and are still feeling rather unprepared for the leadership task ahead. Then again, perhaps you have just landed a job with a new team and are still trying to decide how to lead them successfully.
That’s okay, because as you learn how to lead there are always going to be times when you feel a little uncomfortable. And here I thought I would share a few ideas that may help you to make some Read More
Want to Be a Great Coach? Learn How to Be Patient
As a manager and a leader, how do you find the time to be a coach? With so many demands on your time, finding the space to be a coach too is extremely difficult. Yes, I know you know that it makes sense. The more you invest in your people, the more they can do for you.
Another trouble is the cross-over between your role as a leader and that of a coach. Many people regard leadership and certainly management as the remit to tell people what to do. But this is in conflict with coaching, isn’t it? You cannot tell people what they need to do and also Read More
If You Want to Be a Good Manager, Start with These Five Beliefs
If you are a manager and want to learn how to be an even better manager, it pays to develop your own theory about what the job entails. This goes deeper than a simple job description. If you want to know how to manage people exceptionally well, try to distil it into the core beliefs.
Beliefs shape your automatic behaviour. As a manager, you don't have time to think about everything you do, which is why it is important to build a robust base of beliefs before you get too set in your ways.
Here are five which I think are vitally important when you are Read More
If You Want to Learn How to Lead
...first learn what it means!
If you are new to leadership or have been a leader for a little while, you can improve your skills by investing some time in developing your own definition of leadership. Of course, there are lots of fine definitions brought to us by clever people, but it is only when you work on building your own definition that it really starts to sink in and make a difference. The difference, as well as the benefits, comes from learning what actions you can take which will be viewed as good leadership, and which behaviours may land you in trouble with your followers. Working on autopilot when Read MoreFocusing Your Stakeholder Management
Becoming more strategic at managing and influencing your stakeholders requires that you take a structured approach to your work. The first step of the Stakeholder Influence Process requires that you get very clear on exactly what you want to achieve.
Step 1 — Focus: Assess your priorities and focus your Influencing Goal
The starting point is working out what you want to achieve. Sure, you will have lots of goals, but you need to get focussed in order to gain maximum progress with the Stakeholder Influence Process.
Pause and think of the most important goal you have right now.
I am sure you have lots of goals, but which one is most prominent in your mind right now? Settle on one to use over the next hour for Read More- « Previous Page
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