Time to Stop Heeding the Experts?
Listen to them but don’t necessarily take their advice or agree with their analysis.
The problem with most experts is threefold.
Firstly, their skill and expertise has been built in the old world, before the big pause. What used to work may no longer work. The new rules fly in the face of the old rules. Therefore, in many cases (not all) the very foundation of their expertise has evaporated.
Secondly, their Read More
Taking Control 2020
Hey, how ya doin’?
A time of disruption and change, and I’m curious, how are you getting on?
Whatever your status in the global lockdown, one thing is sure - the end will not be distinct. It’s not going to be like a project reaching its big deliverable, or a milestone being reached. You know, the kind of event that enlightened professionals would say, “Okay, what have we learned?”
To avoid the risk that you will not consolidate your learning and extract the benefit from this period, let me ask you: Read More
From Crisis to Paradigm Shifting
Now is a moment where the new normal will be shaped. New paradigms will be created. Today, not tomorrow.
The decisions taken by leaders today will have far-reaching effects. Some of the most successful organisations will disappear as a result of their decisions today. Outliers will find ways to dominate their sectors tomorrow, based on the decisions they take today.
Business models are being pulverised and supply chains shattered. At every turn, assumptions about normal are being obliterated. Careers are about to be made, and careers are about to be lost.
Seriously, there has never been a better opportunity to make a huge positive impact.
But how do you do that, in a world that has its head between its knees?
Here’s how. Read More
The Case For Political Rivalry
Most mid-level professionals in large organisations today naively rail against the politics.
They consider it harmful, a waste of time, and something perpetuated by self-serving and unscrupulous individuals.
Sadly, you quite often see only what you expect to see, and this short-sighted perspective is career-limiting.
Back in 2008 I Read More
Being Realistic in a Crisis: Bad Move!
Client Confidential
Most leaders right now will have ditched expectations of achieving their targets in 2020.
Why? Because of the crisis.
“The whole world has changed and what we planned is no way achievable now. As a good leader, I need to let my people know I understand things have changed. It’s not their fault.”
I beg to differ. Read More
From Lateral to Provocative Thinking
A little known part of my background: I used to design and run creative thinking courses.
My favourite resource to call upon was Edward de Bono, creator of Lateral Thinking. While often quoted, implementation of his approaches, especially brainstorming, is often rather patchy.
One of his techniques is particularly needed right now.
He created a new word for it: Po.
Po is a word intended to Read More
Mental Agility and Emotional Agility
Interesting times. Uncertainty is running rife, and change is no longer desirable, it’s mandatory in almost all areas of our “normal” world.
How you respond is up to you, if you have the requisite mental agility, and can capitalise on that by ensuring you have the appropriate emotional agility. The two go hand-in-hand.
Last night I had the honour of discussing this topic with an enthusiastic and progressive group of people: The Future of Work in Scotland.
Here is a brief summary of the key points I shared and we discussed to act as a tool for further reflection for those who attended, and a stimulant for those who missed it. Read More
Be careful who you let in…
...because it could make all the difference!
In these days, in any days, you have to be very careful who you allow in to influence your thoughts, feelings and actions.
Recall the old maxim, "You are the average of the 5 people you spend most time with."
In these strange times, most of us don’t have a choice who we are locked down with. Hopefully it’s with people you love, like and respect. People who nurture your soul and your being.
But, they don't need to Read More- « Previous Page
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