“Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old Time is still a-flying;
And this same flower that smiles today
Tomorrow will be dying”
Robert Herrick, Poet, 1591-1674
Last year I wrote Opportunity of a Lifetime? Have you taken it yet?
You see, where there is chaos and uncertainty, when people are confused and frightened, opportunity abounds, at least for those who can see the patterns, and can craft the future.
When everything settles down, as it will do, the world will be a different place. The way things work will have changed. What gave people power and success will have likely changed too. How people engage and interact will have changed forever. The die will be cast and people will have far more certainty again.
At which point, many people will then see the opportunities, or the opportunities will all have been taken. So you have to get ahead of the curve, begin to see the patterns, predict the future. When you do that, you will start to see the opportunities that you can aim for.
This takes effort and energy. It requires adjustment to your emotions, beliefs and attitudes. Research will be essential and thinking, lots of thinking. It also needs a sounding board, someone to thrown the ideas around whom you trust. An individual capable of challenging you, pushing you, supporting you.
And that’s just what I do for my Private Clients. If you’d like to explore how we could work together so you can Seize the Day, just get in touch.
Regardless, take heed, right now the circumstances are favourable to securing major opportunities if you have the mind to go for it.
Good luck.
The Gautrey Influence Blog
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