Have you noticed how long it takes you to make a decision? Weighing up the options. The pros and cons.
Have you ever though how much indecision is costing you? The stress, the worry, the time and the missed opportunities.
Personally, I’m starting to think that if I had acted on the lesser or two options I’d be better off than having delayed the decision. Which led me to my new favourite, kick starting motto:
Don’t Fret It: Fix It or Forget It
Save the time deliberating yes or no. Either do something about it, or forget about it, at least for the time being. I’m saving a huge amount of time with this discipline.
So, take some action today with this exercise:
- Make a list of all the things that you are not happy with at work (or life). The frustrations, the people, their problems. All those who ignore you, slight you, disrespect you. The objections, obstructions and the lack of interest in what you care about. Get it all out and, write it down.
- Cross off all of the things that you can live with. Things which in reality don’t matter that much. The small stuff, the trivia. Or, the items that may make a lot of noise, but are not actually getting in the way of what you want to do. These things, just forget about. Stop fretting them.
- What is left? Circle 2 or 3 items that are the biggies. Things that are seriously affecting you, your progress and what you are hoping to achieve. What are the major things holding you back? These are the items you need to fix.
- Step back and reflect on these 2 or 3 items. Imagine that these are fixed. That you have been able to find solutions, powered through to your goals and made it happen. How would that feel, for you?
- Whatever hasn’t been circled, forget. Yes, tougher than the first “forget it” group, so you may need to take some small action, like an email, or a quick conversation so that you can comfortably forget them, at least for the next few months. But, forget them you must.
- Return your focus on your top 2 or 3 items. Search for solutions. Consult with people, do some research, and aim to nail specific action you can take to move rapidly towards an answer. And, a strategy that you can fully commit yourself to.
- Right, now can recapture all of the energy, stress and time previously spent on the “forget it” lists, pull it into one massive source of motivation and focus on the “fix it” few.
Don’t let the indecision get etched on your face for the rest of your life…
Fix It or Forget It
The Gautrey Influence Blog
Ever felt overlooked, unheard, or stuck in office politics? You’re not alone. The Gautrey Influence Blog breaks down the real-world strategies behind leadership, influence, and power—giving you the tools to be heard, respected, and successful. Join 35,000+ professionals getting ahead the smart way—subscribe now..
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