In all big relationships, be they supplier, outsourcing or strategic alliances, escalation processes are inevitable and necessary. They are formal procedures to resolve intractable problems between the parties. While accepting that these processes need to be used, and should be used, I do feel that they are often overused, and over relied upon to solve problems.
Why? Well, to provoke a little debate:
- Escalation presents an easy excuse at lower levels to pass responsibility up the chain of command.
- The pervasive myth that senior people are better placed to solve these problems.
- Failure to build trust and credibility at the appropriate levels.
- Absence of a positive, proactive, and collaborative problem-solving mentality.
- “It’s the way we do things round here.”
- It makes senior people feel important and useful.
There are many reasons why escalation should be minimised to the levels necessary for acceptable governance and compliance. For instance:
- Introducing more people to the process, especially those in powerful positions, magnifies the complexity rapidly. Instead of the two people closest to the problem working on the solution, immediately, many other agendas come crashing into it (both professional, personal, legitimate and frankly, suspect).
- Cybernetics (a rarely mentioned methodology within the field of systems thinking), teaches that the best place to respond to complexity in the organisation’s environment is in the boundary-spanning roles. The intelligence system (top bosses) should be kept informed but are unlikely to be able to contribute much to the immediate problem.
- As the level of power flying in to solve the problem rises, the emotions rise too, especially fear of negative repercussions.
- Senior management has other things to do.
I’m sure you can think of more.
So what?
If you’re considering escalation, challenge yourself hard:
- Is this the best way to achieve the outcome you want?
- What damage will it do to your opposite number?
- How can you build your relationship with your opposite number so you can work more collaboratively?
- How is escalation going to change the problem and make it harder to resolve?
- Is your decision to escalate correct rather than personally convenient?
- Have you failed by resorting to escalation?
If you’re on the receiving end of escalations:
The Gautrey Influence Blog
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- Should you really get involved? If so, in what way?
- What are you doing to inadvertently encourage escalations?
- How are your actions/reactions today perpetuating these problems?
- Step back, what’s the strategic solution to escalations?
- How can you train, help and support your team to resolve problems?
- How much are these escalations costing you in time?
- What is the opportunity cost to you and your business?
- Is your love of solving problems getting in the way of your strategic leadership?
Yes, I am being deliberately provocative. My rationale is that there are always many ways to look at anything that is happening. When you’re deep in the detail, it is really hard to see these alternatives unless someone like me grabs your attention and says, “Hey, what if this is true?”
I’d be very interested to hear your thoughts on this subject. The problems escalations are causing; the costs; the approaches you are taking? Indeed, what is the best practice out there for ensuring escalation is appropriate and positive?
The Gautrey Influence Blog
Ever felt overlooked, unheard, or stuck in office politics? You’re not alone. The Gautrey Influence Blog breaks down the real-world strategies behind leadership, influence, and power—giving you the tools to be heard, respected, and successful. Join 35,000+ professionals getting ahead the smart way—subscribe now..
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