Getting someone in your network to the position of Advocate can take quite a bit of hard work. Building the relationship, creating trust and demonstrating value can take months, if not years. Of course, that presupposes premeditated action — it is … [Continue reading]
In Defence of Being Nice
If you are one of the many people who get told that they are too nice, hold on a minute. Just because your line manager or mentor has said this to you doesn’t mean you should change. Why? Nice works. Not in all situations I grant you, but there … [Continue reading]
Ignoring Your Competition: Influencing Mistake No. 3
As you learn how to influence more effectively, make sure you don’t miss this on your checklist as you prepare your strategy. All too often, people get consumed with their own ideas and fail to keep a watchful eye on others who may act to protect … [Continue reading]
Avoiding Risks and Seizing Opportunities

As you are developing and working on your Influencing Goals, you need to be aware of what else is going on around you. It is very easy to become so focused on what you want to achieve that you fail to notice risks until they hit you in the face. … [Continue reading]
How to Develop Political Courage
One of the downsides of having great political instincts and insight is that it increases the need to make political decisions. Once you have worked out what agendas are being hidden and discovered people’s strategies, tactics and games, what are you … [Continue reading]
How to Influence Upwards
One of the key challenges facing many leaders today — at all levels — is how to influence people more senior than themselves, including their bosses. You have important work to do, and you need their input, their buy-in and support. If you’re good, … [Continue reading]
How to Upset People without Being Offensive
Let’s face it, sometimes people need shaking up a little. Everyone gets stuck in a rut and needs to be helped out with a little shock treatment. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not advocating you running around creating enemies. What I am saying is that … [Continue reading]
23 Things You Can Do Today to Increase Your Influence
If you want to become more influential, you must pause — but not for long. Action is essential, but action without thought is stupid. So, let's pause a moment to think about simple ways you can act to increase your influence, 23 things you could … [Continue reading]
Leading Your Team with the Stakeholder Influence Process
We've already covered how to use the process when managing individuals, now let's talk about how you can leverage it with your whole team. The outline approach below usually yields three key benefits. Firstly, it helps to identify clearly what … [Continue reading]
Building Trust Beyond the Obvious
Over recent months we have been engaged in debates about trust on many platforms. This has convinced me even more of the benefits of focusing on building trust in relationships. On workshops, I often ask the question, "How can you build greater … [Continue reading]
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