Yesterday at the airport, I had an interesting experience of domination which later provided much food for thought — and interesting parallels with workplace domination.. In a queue, the guy behind me was huge. Those who've met me know that I am … [Continue reading]
What If — So What: The Continuum of Confidence
Our thoughts so often conspire to defeat us, even before we’ve given it a go. Over the last few months I’ve been speaking with many people who have doubts about their performance — particularly when new to their role. The confidence which … [Continue reading]
Maximising Your Impact
If you wish to generate a more powerful impact on those around you, there are many things you can adjust. Some refer to this as Personal Branding, others call it Executive Presence. Whatever you call it, this is all about impression management — i.e. … [Continue reading]
Wrongfully Accused of Bullying
Bullying is a growing problem facing organisations and the lawsuits flying about are attracting fee-hungry lawyers. It occurs to me that there is a rapidly rising risk that ambitious and well-meaning individuals could be falsely accused of bullying … [Continue reading]
How to Influence With Style

The desire to influence other people is a natural part of being human. Your style of influence — how you act — has been established over the years by your experience and learning. Subconsciously, you will have found out what works for you. Yet each … [Continue reading]
The Components of Power
If you want to become more influential, understanding what power is can be extremely helpful. It is not complicated — it is simple. The concept is regularly spoken of, but rarely understood at a practical level. Jeffrey Pfeffer usually defines it as … [Continue reading]
Focus Your Personal Brand
Corporations spend massive sums positioning their brand in the mind of their customers and the public. How much do you spend? Many people advocating the development of your Personal Brand will suggest you need to develop a catchy personal … [Continue reading]
Investing in Your Network
"I know I need to network, but I never seem to find the time" is a concern that many people share with me in the mentoring work I do. They have been sold on the benefits and have even made sure that they have the skills to do it effectively. Yet, … [Continue reading]
Women Want Influence
Research into politics in the workplace has shown time and again that women are far more interested in politics than their male counterparts. Not only is the academic literature clearly demonstrating this, seminars and conferences that I have … [Continue reading]
The Falling Power of Networks
We define power as an asset which could get someone to do something they would not otherwise have done (or thought/felt). Decades ago the most powerful asset many powerful people had was their position or status. Education gave … [Continue reading]