Political capital is simply the amount of power that you're able to call into action to support your agenda. This is a function of the number of powerful people and the power they can wield on your behalf. To accumulate political capital, you’ll … [Continue reading]
Office Politics: Questions to Ask Yourself
Brilliant discussion stimulated this week on Gautrey Live Masterclass - topic: Office Politics! Ever since publishing 21 Dirty Tricks at Work, a large part of my working life has been spent helping people with integrity to learn how to handle the … [Continue reading]
Office Politics: Developing Your Political Skills
Coming back, once again, to this old chestnut, Office Politics. Such a vital dynamic to learn how to handle well, and with confidence. In this, the second part of our Gautrey Live Masterclass, I share five specific areas to focus the development of … [Continue reading]
Making an impression that is aligned to your goals will help you enormously, because it establishes and reinforces the expectations others have of you. And what they expect, they're likely to get. Here’s a little example. If your aim is to become a … [Continue reading]
As you get more skilled at influence, you’ll recognise that it is best to get a clear understanding of those you are seeking to influence. As I’ve said many times before, walking in their shoes, truly understanding what makes them tick is essential - … [Continue reading]
Robust Confidence
Your ability to demonstrate confidence will have a marked impact on your capability to influence people. People want to see that you're confident, that you know what you're talking about, that you're sure that it's in their best interest to say yes … [Continue reading]
On Becoming More Visible
There are many ways to become more visible, and it is certainly something that everyone who aspires to greater office, or more responsibilities, need to do, as a matter or priority. Sure, you can do good work and wait to get noticed. But, you may be … [Continue reading]
Creating Space for Tomorrow
One of my big messages is that if you want to get good at influence, and the politics, you have to put more time into learning about it, and figuring out how it works in your environment. “Brilliant idea Colin, but I’ve got plenty to do … [Continue reading]
Losing Your Cool
If you want to be really helpful to one of your opponents, the best thing in the world that you could do is react emotionally to something that they do. Respond in the moment and really get excited, angry, or whatever, about what it is they're trying … [Continue reading]
“Think lucky and you’ll be lucky!” Those words oft uttered by my father regularly ring in my mind. And, I totally believe this to be the case, yet just the tip of the iceberg. Time and again I am reminded in my Private Client coaching that people … [Continue reading]
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