When it comes to remarkable achievement, it is never possible to know the how until you have arrived. Most times, at the beginning, it doesn’t even look feasible. If you fret or worry about the how too soon, you’ll never get moving, and never find … [Continue reading]
Getting Left Behind?
Even if you don’t view your contemporaries as competition, when they seem to be making faster progress in their careers, you have to ask, “Why?” What is it that they have got that you don’t? What are they doing that you are not doing? Often, this … [Continue reading]
Worrying, and other nasty little habits
Worrying is one of those nasty little habits that are so common, like biting your nails. Unlike biting your nails though, worrying can have far greater consequences for you, your career and your life. Of course, worrying is about preparing for a … [Continue reading]
Recovering Introvert
The biggest problem with introverts is that they identify with being an introvert. They say: “Oh, I’m an introvert which makes networking uncomfortable.” “I can’t do all this small talk.” “I feel awkward because I’m so shy.” And … [Continue reading]
Seven Ways to Exorcise Your Introversion
If you’re an introvert, and want to become at least a little more extrovert, here are seven steps to help you say farewell to your introversion, and become a little more extrovert, without it hurting. … [Continue reading]
Audit Your Reputation
Everyone has a reputation, everyone. A reputation is simply what other people expect of you. What do people expect of you? Unless you’ve put development focus on your reputation, chances are high that their expectations will be diverse, with … [Continue reading]
Conflicting Agendas: You vs. Your Boss
It would be reasonable to assume that you and your boss have the same agenda, when it comes to you work. However, your priorities may well be different. Here’s a quick test you can do. Quick as you can, jot down the top 3-5 items on your agenda. … [Continue reading]
The Trouble with Beliefs
Beliefs are everything. Beliefs shape everything you do. Your performance is totally influenced by what you believe. The feedback you get is down to other people’s beliefs, yet how you receive said feedback, is down to your beliefs. Events … [Continue reading]
Post-Pandemic Reputation Building
Whatever your views on the current global crisis, all things must come to an end. How the end affects you, and what comes after, to a large extent, is up to you. You can write your own story, far more than you may realise. However, one thing I can … [Continue reading]
What? Another New Boss?
Bosses come and go, and with increasing frequency. One of my clients is getting ready for their first meeting (interview?) and another is preparing for a potential departure, so I thought it worth sharing a few thoughts on this topic. There are … [Continue reading]
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