How much thought (and money) do you invest in looking presentable? Assuming that you care about the impression you are creating, probably quite a bit. It is important to look the part, to convey a positive image looking like you mean business. … [Continue reading]
Never Rely on Formal Power
Power comes in many forms. Formal power is usually quite tangible. Budgets, status and resource control are the most notable. These sources of power give in readable capacity to influence, which is fine for getting the job done. However, all of … [Continue reading]
It’s Time to Play
If you don’t play, you don’t learn, very well. If you don’t learn, you don’t change, very well. If you don’t change, tomorrow will be pretty much the same as today. And today, will be pretty much the same as yesterday. Which is pretty pointless, … [Continue reading]
Agility vs. Rigidity
Yin and yang. Agility and Rigidity. Understand that you need both. Rigidity is necessary when things are clear and decisions have been made. Agility helps when the way forward is unclear. If you applied agility to everything in your life you’d be … [Continue reading]
Make Friends with Your Critics
Regardless of the relationship you have with your critics, they can be your friends. Indeed, they should be your best friends. When someone is willing to risk offending you to give you some feedback you may not like, seize on the opportunity to … [Continue reading]
Your Most Important Stakeholder
99% of people fail to influence the single most important stakeholder, at least consciously. This one is easy to engage, available and potentially open-minded. Yet also the most tricky stakeholder to get on-side. Who is this stakeholder? … [Continue reading]
Crisis Culture
“If you don’t give me a crisis, I’m going to make one.” These words, expressed with humour, ushering in my stint as a crisis manager. What I had noticed is that if you wanted to get on, you either had to perform exceptionally well in your (highly … [Continue reading]
If you can hold a great conversation, you can influence. Inability to strike up and maintain conversational flow puts you at a significant disadvantage. Great conversationalists hold our attention. They make us feel good, valued, special. Drawing … [Continue reading]
The Ideal Boss
We always remember the quality of our bosses. The good, the bad, and well, the downright ugly. Some people experience a procession of bad bosses. Each one a variation on a theme. Others seem to always land on their feet with great bosses, or at … [Continue reading]
Enthusiasm in motion, is contagious. Enthusiastic people can be: Interesting Entertaining Annoying Inspiring Hard work One undeniable fact is that enthusiastic people cannot be ignored. … [Continue reading]
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