Understanding & Navigating Power (3/10)
Do you understand the dynamics of power and influence in different situations?
Influential professionals recognise the formal and informal power structures around them. They understand who holds influence, why, and how to engage with key players effectively while maintaining integrity.
How to Score Yourself
Consider the indicators below. Estimate your score from 0 to 10 based on how consistently you demonstrate these traits.
Positive Indicators (Why You’d Score High)
Someone who scores high in this section is likely to:
✔ Recognise the sources of power and influence in any situation.
✔ Understand what makes different individuals influential.
✔ Navigate political and informal power structures with integrity.
✔ Know when to challenge authority and when to align with it.
Negative Indicators (Why Your Score Might Be Lower)
Someone who scores lower may:
✘ Misjudge who holds real influence in a given situation.
✘ Struggle to assert themselves or feel powerless in decision-making.
✘ Engage in workplace politics in a way that damages credibility.
✘ Avoid authority figures altogether or resist power without strategy.
👉 Remember to keep track of your score before moving on.