You have the power of choice only when you realise you have the power of choice.
Many facts that blight your life are historic choices, made long ago and forgotten.
Choices masquerade as facts.
If you want to change a fact, make a different choice.
My Boss is an A***hole.
That is a subjective decision you have made – a choice. Why? Because others influenced you to think that? Something he did? Maybe you didn’t like a decision he made? Probably a sequence of events that led you to the conclusion (decision) that he’s an a***hole.
Thing is, does that decision help you in your work, your career, your life? Or does it get in the way, making you feel bad, hating going to work?
Regardless of what facts you have decided to attribute to this individual, a fact is that you were responsible for agreeing them as facts.
The great thing about this is that you also have the option to unmake that decision, to choose something different, once you re-take responsibility and work it through again.
It may take some work, but it can be done. A new decision could be:
“I disagree with his approach, not the way I like to do things, but I can live with it for now. But I am going to be away from this guy by the end of the year.”
A choice like this may well make it easier for you to do what you need to find a new position. To be more resourceful while you are doing your job. To take the heat out of the situation. Actually, you may even be more fun to work with!
However you rework it, take notice that leaving these decisions to your subconscious could be blighting your life in so many ways and that if you want, if you dare, you can take back control.
Here are some other choices you may have made:
“I can’t work with Bill.”
“Public speaking is terrifying.”
“I don’t do politics.”
“Compliance just get in the way of business.”
Inspired by a great book by Marilee Adams and Marshall Goldsmith*…
Change Your Choices, Change Your Life!
Now, what choices are you going to change?
* Change Your Questions, Change Your Life by Marilee Adams and Marshall Goldsmith
The Gautrey Influence Blog
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