When you aspire to great achievement, and lofty levels, begin with the bigger picture.
This means, having your own personal vision of what you intend to deliver. Not merely being a great leader, or a collaborator or some such noble aims. These are important, but in most senior stakeholders’ minds, they are trumped by results. So, what actual results are you aiming to deliver with all that leadership ability?
Few people I begin to coach have got this nailed.
Seeing the bigger picture also necessitates understanding your sector or industry, and the myriad dynamics influencing it from the environment. Whatever your level, look up several more layers and start to think as they do (or at least, as they should be doing).
What are the major trends in your industry right now? What external influences are shaping the evolution of your industry? How might the environment change in the next few years? What would that mean to the leaders in your industry, and the second tier players?
As you begin to find answers to these questions, and many similar ones, you will become able to engage with more senior people in your organisation and industry. Soon, you’ll start to stand head and shoulders above your competition, and will move closer to the opportunity to achieve your vision.
These things are not difficult to do, but you do have to apply yourself in the right direction with focus and soon it will start to happen.
Related to Seeing the Bigger Picture
- Making Sense of Political Upheaval (scenario planning)
- Your Corporate Manifesto
- Creating a Corporate Political Campaign
- Building a Powerful Reputation
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