From a very early age, especially in the West, we are conditioned to seek recognition.
We learn how to be a good boy or girl, and get a pat on the head for our trouble.
That makes us happy.
Moving on through school and into life, we are told to attend to our studies, get good results, work hard – and you’ll get the rewards.
The carrots are dangled and we are learn to stretch for them.
We have been conditioned to please others.
But, what about ourselves? Is this the right way to fulfil our own destiny? To realise our full potential? Where does authenticity and integrity stand in this conditioning?
One of the big flaws to this approach, from a personal angle, is that when you seek recognition from others, you are handing them power – the permission to judge that you did well, or not. They have the power over you, and you gave them that power.
Is this what you want for your life? To hand power over to someone else to decide if you’ve done a good job?
Maybe it is time you stopped seeking recognition, and learned to empower yourself, become self-reliant and stand in your own space?
Yet, how can you do this in a world that is structured towards disempowerment at every turn?
You need to reflect deeply and learn the subtleties at play.
One such subtlety is that there is a world of difference between gaining recognition and seeking recognition.
Think about it.
The Gautrey Influence Blog
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