Assuming you have been considering your strategy and starting to finalise your ideas, you might find it useful to take a look at a few examples of strategies which clients have arrived at during coaching on the Stakeholder Influence Process. As you will see, it doesn’t have to be complicated just because it is called a strategy!
Example One
Sue wanted to bring in a new stock ordering process. It was expected to yield big benefits, but she was struggling to get it moving forward positively. When she mapped out her stakeholders and considered what her strategy should be, she realised that many of the Players were also Area Sales Managers. Given their power, she realised she needed to focus her effort on the belief that if she could win them over, everyone else would fall into line. Her headline campaign strategy became…
- Get invited to the next ASM meeting.
- Build a communication pack focusing on how the process would lead to greater sales.
- Influence the IT people to change the process in order to make it more sales friendly.
- Become a champion for the sales teams.
Example Two
Leroy’s Influencing Goal was to get the business leaders to really buy into the benefit his change team could bring to the organisation. He realised that some were Advocates, while most were opposing, mainly on account that they viewed his work as excessively bureaucratic and got in the way of the real work. He noticed that one of the Critics – Bill – was fairly new to the business and was less powerful than the other leaders, but very ambitious. Leroy’s strategy became…
- Get Bill to recognise how working more closely with the change team could not only help his business, but also help him to become successful and powerful within the organisation.
- Then, advocate Bill at every opportunity to senior management, pointing out his successes linked with adopting change management approaches.
- Influence Peter, the MD, to become more active as an Advocate and to highlight the causes of Bill’s success (process improvement) to the other leaders on his team.
The Gautrey Influence Blog
Ever felt overlooked, unheard, or stuck in office politics? You’re not alone. The Gautrey Influence Blog breaks down the real-world strategies behind leadership, influence, and power—giving you the tools to be heard, respected, and successful. Join 35,000+ professionals getting ahead the smart way—subscribe now..
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