Few can doubt that one of the greats in the field of influence is Dr. Robert Cialdini. I’m sure you’ve heard of (and probably used) his principles of persuasion – i know i have, and do my best to avoid them wherever possible.
Actually, they are pretty straightforward, but what he has not highlight, is the eight principle.
The original six came after his research way back in 1984. In summary…
- Social Proof: “If everyone else is doing something, shouldn’t I be too?”
- Reciprocity: “I’ve done something for you, how about you do something for me?”
- Authority: “Professor of Epidemiology. Wow, listen up…”
- Liking: “I just want to be your bestest ever friend.”
- Consistency: “I’m a man of my word.”
- Scarcity: “Buy now while stocks last.”
The seventh was added more recently:
- Unity: “Hey, you’re just like me, of course I will.”
The widespread use of these principles is evident in just about every marketing or influencing campaign on the planet, and for that reason, I take my hat off to Dr. Cialdini.
Yet, as he admits in his book Influence, the original research came from his fascination with what he called the “compliance masters” – those who made their living getting people to do things that they would not otherwise have done, often without realising what was happening.
Although he does concede the ethical angle, he doesn’t seem to protest it too much. Thus, we now find ourselves in a world of influence which is very much skewed in favour of the influencer, who much of the time does not actually have our best interests at heart.
The application of these seven principles gives the person in the know the upper hand. As you may recall, I am strongly in favour of a far more ethical approach to influence, helping people to make informed and balanced decisions (see The Ethics of Influence: Five Rules to Live By).
And so we come to the eighth principle of persuasion, and it is one that I am adding:
- Awareness: “Now I know your game, I’ll not fall for it so easily.”
Put another way, the person who has developed an awareness of the ways and means of influence and persuasion, can see what the influencer is attempting to do, and will then factor that into their decision making.
If they notice that influencer presenting a biased perspective, they will seek verification from alternative sources in their decision-making.
If they see testimonials, they will realise that these can easily be fabricated and will seek independent sources, or use their own instincts and intellect to judge for themselves.
Rather than simply relying on an “expert” or highfalutin title, they will consider what they are saying with a critical mind.
What they will also notice, is those who are playing it straight. Helping them to make a decision in an ethical way. Their awareness and research will give them a strong base on which to trust people who really do have their best interests at heart.
The only people that lose from the application of the eighth principle of persuasion are those who seek to deceive you.
So, be very careful when you feel yourself being influenced, and think critically, with an independent mind, and then make your decision with confidence. And with all that is happening in the world right now, this requires a serious commitment and time to delve behind the headlines and the figures!
The Gautrey Influence Blog
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