The Influence to Thrive Model
If you wish to thrive at work, and in life, you have to become influential.
Right now, many people are feeling frustrated, uncertain and indecisive. Never before have we had so many reasons to feel this way.
And never has there been a time when developing your ability to influence and shape your world has been more important.
External influences are all around us. Telling us what to do, how things will be, and “No, you can’t do that.” These forces have irrevocably changed the world we live in. For good or for ill, well-meaning or self-serving, it is impossible to tell right now.
This adds to the call to action, to develop your own way to thrive within the parameters and boundaries of today and tomorrow. A call to action that demands you develop your own stance, strategy and plan to make it happen while insisting that you hold tight to an independent heart and mind.
If you don’t rally to this call to action, that is your choice. But, rest assured, the consequences of that choice will not be within your control.
Thus, after over 15 years of working in the field of power and influence, now is the perfect moment for me to pull all the threads of this work together, especially the insights gained from my private-client coaching and mentoring work. The time is ripe for a new model to help you respond to this call to action and begin to thrive at work, and in life, within this new world.
Applied well, this model will help you to quickly move towards confidence, certainty and self-assurance.
Then you will begin to thrive.
The Influence to Thrive Model
A powerful model to build your capability to thrive at work and in life.
The purpose of this model is to focus on specific areas that, once developed, will have a significant and beneficial impact on your ability to thrive at work and in life. This will help you to move quickly from being a person who is frustrated, uncertain and indecisive to being one who demonstrates confidence, certainty and self-assurance.
And a person who inspires others and leads by example – a role-model for the future.
Taking Control
Re-evaluating everything that is going on in your life so that you can make clear decisions about why you are doing what you are doing and work out what you need to focus your effort on.
Before you can discover the big things that need to change, you have to grab hold of today and make it yours. Bring order to the chaos that surrounds you. Doing this will reduce the noise and distraction, enable you to decide where to apply your energy, and prepare you for greater work to come.
Confidence can never co-exist with chaos. But, bringing chaos under control gives confidence room to flourish!
The 5 Cs of Influence to Thrive

As you start to feel more in control of how you are responding to everything going on around you, you can shine a light on one of the following areas, based on where you will get the biggest return.
One important aspect to note is that these are not linear steps, but a way of prioritising your time, energy and action, so you get the greatest return. Additionally, the depth you go to on each will vary depending on your situation and, frankly, your experience in applying the model.
Grasp Your CONTEXT
Gain an instinctive awareness of what is happening in your world, and why it is the way it is.
Discover Your CAUSE
Elevate your purpose, mission or goal to the next level and leverage your emotions.
Embrace Your CERTAINTY
Welcome rock-solid confidence into your heart and mind so you can stand strong.
Optimise the impression you make so that your impact and influence hits the mark.
Unleash Your CAMPAIGN
Create your game plan to move safely and rapidly towards your goals.
Within each of these areas, specific processes and frameworks need to be mastered and applied, with increasing levels of ease and effectiveness to get the big results that have been clearly defined.
Taking Action
Relentlessly transforming your insight, analysis and strategy into practical action you can take each day to drive towards your goals.
Stands to reason, if you’ve done this work well you will quickly get moving with the action. And you also need to take steps to ensure this work remains your number one priority. Naturally, you’ll be needing to tweak the campaign and adjust the action, and that is only possible once you are on the move.
The Consequences
Relentlessly transforming your insight, analysis and strategy into practical actions that you can take each day to drive towards your goals.
It stands to reason that, if you’ve done this work well, you will quickly get moving with the action. However, you also need to take steps to ensure this work remains your number one priority. Naturally, you’ll need to tweak the campaign and adjust the action, but that is only possible once you are on the move.
Taking the Initiative
Are you the kind of person who will pick this up and run with it? Do you wish to dramatically improve your position and ability to thrive? interested in transforming your working life?
If so, it would be wise for you to move quickly. Why don't you book a free short call to discuss how this could help you, and find out if you are in the right position to take advantage of this work.