Adapting & Tailoring Influence Strategies (6/10)
Can you adjust your approach to suit different people and situations?
A great influencer knows that one size does not fit all. Adapting your approach to different personalities, power structures, and environments ensures you are always operating with maximum effectiveness. The ability to be flexible while maintaining integrity is a crucial influence skill.
How to Score Yourself
Consider the indicators below. Estimate your score from 0 to 10 based on how consistently you demonstrate these traits.
Positive Indicators (Why You’d Score High)
Someone who scores high in this section is likely to:
✔ Think carefully about the right approach for each situation.
✔ Choose the right timing and method for maximum impact.
✔ Instantly adjust behaviour to connect with different individuals.
✔ Use persuasion techniques effectively while maintaining integrity.
Negative Indicators (Why Your Score Might Be Lower)
Someone who scores lower may:
✘ Stick rigidly to one influence style, even when ineffective.
✘ Push too hard and alienate others, or hesitate and miss opportunities.
✘ Struggle to sense when their approach isn’t landing well.
✘ Rely on authority rather than persuasion to gain support.
👉 Remember to keep track of your score before moving on.