Worrying is one of those nasty little habits that are so common, like biting your nails. Unlike biting your nails though, worrying can have far greater consequences for you, your career and your life.
Of course, worrying is about preparing for a future that may happen. Being ready should the worst happen. That’s prudent.
The problem with that is that while it may be prudent, it could also precipitate said event, make it more likely to happen. Most of the time you get what you expect, so worrying yourself into expecting the worst may actually be the cause of your woes.
Added to this, worry causes stress, distracts you from other pursuits and makes you uncomfortable company – unless of course you are surrounded by other worriers who will love to wallow in your misery and likely stoke it up even more.
If you are a worry-wort, I highly recommend that you learn techniques for containing this habit, or eradicating it entirely from your life. You don’t have to worry something to prepare for scenarios – you can do that objectively, cleanly, and once prepared, carry on with the rest of your life.
This is only one of those nasty little habits that can accumulate in our lives that get in the way of progress and becoming limiters to our potential.
What nasty little habits have you accumulated that hold you back, erode life enjoyment, and would be better stomped on?
Time for a little housekeeping?
Articles Related to Worrying Habits
- Maybe I Like the Misery
- Shift Your Focus: Dangerous Habits
- Feedback: When Will You Stop Asking?
- Top Ten Ways Bosses Annoy Their Team Members
- Don’t Fret It: Fix It or Forget It
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